The Leftover Pizza

Daily life Pizzazz, some nuggets, some fun

If women should be like Sita, men should be like Ram (i.e. when he met Surpanakha)

So I get back to my desk after the field work and the TV is blaring about Mallya Jr.’s comments on the woman who was molested. The first headline to scream out at me was that she was drunk. Oooh wow, so it seems even Page 3 foreign educated personalities also defy liberalism, despite their so called exposure.

Women are generally blamed for asking for it. The woman of course threw herself at someone else, so this means she is cheap. So women are taught how to avoid attention, how to be coy, how to attract only the right type of men, the list goes on. And of course, she has to be like Sita.

But I wonder why no one ever asks the guys to be like Ram. No, not the Ram who sacrificed his wife to appease some tattlers, but the Ram who rejected the advances of Surpanakha, who transformed herself into a beautiful damsel. Legend has it that Surpanakha fell in love/lust with Ram’s good looks. So she tries to entice him by transforming herself into a beautiful young damsel. And what does Ram do? He finds it funny but at the same time seriously tells her he is taken and not interested. And just in good humor asks her to try her hand at his brother. Laxman gets way too angry and cuts her nose off. That’s the legend.

So how come, no one teaches young boys to deal with women throwing themselves at them like Ram did in this case? Why aren’t boys taught to make it clear that they are taken (or are waiting for the right one)?

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6 thoughts on “If women should be like Sita, men should be like Ram (i.e. when he met Surpanakha)

  1. Actually have quite a poor opinion of Ram. His treatment of Sita was damn shameful after the war.

    In any case, courts have no business moralizing to anyone and that includes telling women to be like “Sita”. Sita made her choices. It doesn’t mean that everyone has to follow her lead.

  2. Pingback: Be a wife like Sita, wear a sari but don’t get abducted. | The Life and Times of an Indian Homemaker

  3. Watching this on the TV now. Siddhartha Mallaya’s comment was shocking, ‘didn’t behave like a future wife’ what did he mean, a couple could be assaulted if their relationship had some issues?

  4. But I don’t think women need to be like Sita even if every man is like Ram. Women have a right to use common sense and to make personal choices. Not everybody in this country is a practicing Hindu.

  5. Great post. Terse and to the point. Good going.

  6. Pingback: Maryada Purushottam: Rama or Krishna? « Dew Drops

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